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Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery – The CD of CI/CD (GitHub / Python / DevOps)

Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery – The CD of CI/CD (GitHub / Python / DevOps)

In this blog post I take my Flask (Python) web application and deployment to Microsoft Azure, and instead of doing it manually I do it via a CI/CD. I’ve previously discussed Continuous Integration (CI) in blog posts around CI, GitHub actions and recently Code Coverage. The CD of CI/CD can stand for Continuous Deployment or … Continue reading Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery – The CD of CI/CD (GitHub / Python / DevOps)

Running Flask As A Linux Service (Linux / Python)

Continuing on with the Software Engineering & Agile module of my degree, I need to be able to show my Flask web application running. After picking a cloud platform (in this case Azure) I git cloned my repository to the Linux Ubuntu instance that will be running it and realised that I’ve not included a … Continue reading Running Flask As A Linux Service (Linux / Python)