
How to set up CORS for an AWS Lambda Proxy REST API resource

Let’s see how you set up CORS using a Lambda Proxy API and AWS SAM. Heads up! This guide will also help fix a CORS error that fails in the browser but works in CURL. About CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a way to tell browsers which domain, HTTP …

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How to choose the right tool for your web scraping project?

Many people in different fields have employed Python to do web scraping. The most common purposes for this are data science and mining large amounts of structured or unstructured information from the Internet, which can be difficult without appropriate software tools. Python is excellent for web scraping because Python allows …

The post How to choose the right tool for your web scraping project? appeared first on Anto ./ Online.


Entering the Job Market? Here Are the Most In-Demand Programming Languages for 2022

As we enter 2022, you might be looking for a new job. The Great Resignation proves beneficial to job hunters or switchers, as employers are willing to provide higher pay and more benefits to stem labor shortages. Now is an excellent time for anyone wanting to launch, boost, and even …

The post Entering the Job Market? Here Are the Most In-Demand Programming Languages for 2022 appeared first on Anto ./ Online.


OpenFaaS: Classic and of-watchdog templates

OpenFaaS (Function as a Service) is a popular serverless framework. However, unlike other serverless function providers, OpenFaaS has very few restrictions on providing and receiving data. This guide will show you the primary differences between the Classic and of-watchdog templates. Let’s get started! OpenFaaS provides two types of templates: Classic Watchdog …

The post OpenFaaS: Classic and of-watchdog templates appeared first on Anto ./ Online.


OpenFaaS: How to Add Python Requirements and Dependencies

This guide will show you how to add requirements and dependencies for a Python project using OpenFaaS. Python dependencies are software components that your project needs for it to work. You can manually use PyPI (the Python Package Index) to provide packages that you need, but OpenFaaS can automate this …

The post OpenFaaS: How to Add Python Requirements and Dependencies appeared first on Anto ./ Online.


PHP: How to fix the “Call to undefined function curl_init()” error

Are you using PHP’s curl_exec() function and getting a “call to undefined function curl_init()” error? If so, then let’s fix the undefined curl_init() function error for you on Linux. What is cURL? cURL is a library (known as libcurl) that lets you communicate with other computers in PHP. In other …

The post PHP: How to fix the “Call to undefined function curl_init()” error appeared first on Anto ./ Online.


OpenFaaS: Getting Started on Kubernetes

OpenFaaS (Function as a Service) is a popular serverless framework that provides an easy way to create portable functions, microservices and APIs using Kubernetes and Docker. This tutorial guide will serve as your OpenFaaS introduction to get you up and running quickly. Install/enable OpenFaaS There are a variety of methods to …

The post OpenFaaS: Getting Started on Kubernetes appeared first on Anto ./ Online.