2023 Graphic Design Trends to Look Out For

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Creating the graphics for your company is about more than simply avoiding common mistakes or considering the environment with eco-friendly materials. It’s about connecting to the consumer and staying top of mind. To do that, you need to stay on top of current trends. 

Sometimes what was “in” yesterday is “out” today. Graphic trends for 2023 aren’t looking at anything so drastic, but we are seeing a shift toward certain graphics elements and design features. 2022 saw a rise in three-dimensional characters represented in 2D, geometric shapes, and hand-drawn illustrations. Other design features we saw rising in 2022 are expected to continue in 2023, like inclusive and nostalgic design touches. 

Let’s look forward to see what we can expect in 2023. Let Color Reflections lead the way.

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After the isolation caused by COVID the last couple of years, it is no surprise that consumers are seeking a more human connection with the brands they interact with. They don’t want the same cookie-cutter experience they’ve had in the past. They want personalized, humanized experiences. This expectation is unlikely to fade as we move toward 2024, so brands looking to make a connection with their customers should strongly consider hopping on this trend. 

As we move into 2023, we will see brands attempting to deliver this desired connection through the graphics and marketing materials they release. How are they going to deliver? 

Immersive and Interactive Experiences. In order to connect with consumers, brands are creating more immersive and interactive experiences for their audience through their graphics. We may even see a hint of hyper-realism mixed into these graphics. Some ways to create immersive and interactive graphics include:

  • QR Codes. This allows the consumer to connect print advertisements to digital environments creating both an immersive and interactive experience. 

  • 3D OOH Advertising. We’re seeing a rise in Out of Home advertising, like billboards, with three-dimensional elements or digital billboards with a seemingly 3D experience. They create an immersive experience that catches consumers’ attention. 

  • Interactive Digital Elements. The interaction with the digital advertisement or graphic allows for a connection to the consumer that a static advertisement would not create. 

  • Augmented Reality. Augmented reality interactions are very immersive and can create a strong connection between the consumer—and the brand—and the environment.

A Human Touch. It can be difficult to deliver a human connection without a human touch. Using photographs, motion graphics, or videos can help brands appear more human to their customers. This can also be achieved by introducing and including the actual humans behind the brand. 

Despite continued trending towards digital advertising and highly interactive experiences, we are seeing design element “throwbacks” to previous decades. These nostalgic elements and touches add an interesting dimension to graphics that can make them really stand out—not just to the consumers but compared to the other graphics they come into contact with. 

How is nostalgia defined? Well, we’re seeing a look back to the 90s and 00s as well as some vintage throwbacks. Some of the nostalgic touches on the rise are: 

  • Bold, bright colors

  • Retro illustrations

  • Vintage touches

  • Maximalism 

  • A return to sans serif fonts

This trend in graphics continues to rise in 2023. Inclusive and accessible graphics are becoming more and more mainstream. It is important to consumers that brands are staying on top of their DE&I initiatives—even through their graphics. We are seeing this in two ways:

  • Representation. Representation in graphics and illustrations is welcomed and wanted by consumers. Diversity among the illustrations included in your graphics is an excellent way to not only hop on the trend but to start making a difference. 
  • Inclusive Design. It is important to ensure that graphics are accessible to all. 1 in 4 adults in the United States suffers from a disability. Inclusive designs are accessible and follow ADA standards.   

No matter which design elements and trends you choose to include, Color Reflections can help you bring your vision to life. Let’s collaborate!

The post 2023 Graphic Design Trends to Look Out For appeared first on Large Format Printing & Event Graphics.